What’s new¶
This version provides a number of new features, improvements and bug fixes
List of RfCs¶
- Updated example template for deploying a Mesos cluster
- Added example template for deploying a Mesos cluster with GPU support and a tensorflow container on top of it that uses GPU(s)
- Added GPU support for compute nodes and dockerized jobs (chronos) and apps (marathon)
- Added preemtible_instance property to support “spot” instances
- Added example template for launching the generic_deepaas mesos job
- Added new types for describing a Kubernetes cluster; new Ansible roles implemented.
- Added new type for describing a JupyterHub node; new Ansible role implemented.
- Fixing for Galaxy on cloud:
- Update support to Galaxy release_18.05 in indigo-dc.galaxycloud
- Fix proftpd in indigo-dc.galaxycloud
- New ansible role for galaxy tools installation, named indigo-dc.galaxycloud-tools
- Update tosca.nodes.indigo.GalaxyShedTool with new ansible role
- Fix CERN-VM FS reference data mount on cluster worker nodes on galaxy artifacts
- Reworked ansible role (indigo-dc.galaxycloud-fastconfig) to reconfigure an image with Galaxy already installed
- Reworked storage encryption script on indigo-dc.galaxycloud-os
- Fix tasks order in Galaxy elastic cluster tosca template: now galaxy user is created before slurm configuration.
Known Issues¶
- None